August 30, 2009

Twitter link

Guess if I post a link to my twitter page I should double check the link and make sure it is right. Well I have done that and it is now working Sorry for any confusion.

The correct link is ~

Have a great Sunday and the first of the week I'll have pictures of new items in the store and many new creations that I have been working on.

August 23, 2009

Old Town Lafayette Peach Festival

Old Town Lafayette Peach Festival is gone for another year and was a huge success. There were lots ot people in town enjoying peaches and the shoppes and sights of Old Town Lafayette.

The truck of peaches at our corner sold out, although they were $40.00 a box. Mark and John got a couple of peaches each while they were they there and they were a dollar each. I think that it was a little high, as did customers.

August 7, 2009

What I am working on this week.

I have gotten a lot finished this week, and I am working on more. Yes, I am working on pics (battery is charging), but you'll find them in the store already.

Primitive Stars with sayings, Primitive black cats with primitive pumpkins, Vintage jello molds pin cushions, and Primitve stars with primitive black cats. I also finished some stitchery pillows and I am in the process of getting them stuffed as I speak.

I have added a few primitive Americana items to my website. And now I am so excited, I just found the pair of arms for one of my dolls in process. I don't have to make new ones. Yea!! I am also putting some of my completed stitchery's into frames. Hope to have those ready to go by next week. So much to do and so little time.

Speaking of so little time, John goes back to school in less than 2 weeks. Can you believe that summer has gone so quickly? I sure can't, and I still have to go shopping for school supplies.

Back to stuffing and framing. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Oh, before I forget - I can be found on facebook, and twitter.

August 1, 2009

Art Night Out - Huge Success

Last night was our last Art Night Out on the calendar at the moment. The different groups and merchants will be meeting to discuss what worked and what didn't, and then they will schedule more dates. Hopefully they will set them on a certain Friday each month so everyone can count on coming down for that Friday night.

I'll post more info when I have it. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible, and of course the community who enjoyed it immensely. Every time we have one of these I get lots of comments and questions if we're going to do more.

We can now be found on

If you're a member be sure to add us as a friend or become a fan of our page. Hope to see you there.