You're not going to believe this, but I found some more webcams, and yes I have been getting a lot of work done while I watch the eagles and hawks.
This girl has 2 little ones that she is taking care of. It is so cool to watch mom and dad feed the babies.
This one has the eagles in Sutton (OK), and then in Tulsa, OK there is a red hawk and her mate sitting on a set of eggs. They are supposed to hatch in April.
At this website there is also a dialog box so that you can talk with other people around the world watching these birds. I haven't signed on to talk with anyone yet, but there is some good info on the birds, their habits, and much more.
This red hawk is so pretty.
I hope you all enjoy watching all of these small wonders as I do. Mark isn't as excited as I am, but then he is a man.
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